Aussie Enviro specialises in both site remediation and general excavation services performed with an environmental awareness. We focus on minimising our environmental footprint through the implementation of innovative, safe and environmentally sustainable work practices. Aussie Enviro is nationally recognised as a leader in the delivery of sustainable earthmoving services. Industries where our specialised earthmoving services have been successfully utilised include energy and resources, oil and gas, environmental and construction.
Street Address 149 Benjamin Place, Lytton QLD 4178
Postal Address PO Box 7262, Hemmant Qld 4174
Phone 07 3893 0999
Fax 07 3393 6968
Email admin@aussieenviro.com.au
Website aussieenviro.com.au

GB Corvisia are exclusive Importers and Australian Distributors of Corsivia Clay Targets and GB Shotshells for the competition and hunting industries
Postal Address PO Box 1491, Geelong Vic 3220
Phone 03 52299882
Fax 03 5229 3524
Mobile (Bruce) 0418 522 059
Email bruce@rio-oceania.com.au
Mobile (Simon) 0499 154 782
Email simon.corsiva.gb@gmail.com

Tattersall’s Shooters Club are like-minded people from all walks of life getting together and enjoying the various sporting disciplines of shooting; with over 100 members we have a broad shooting interest.
Tattersall’s Shooters Club aims to host six (6) events per year. Previous events have included clay pigeons, medium distance, long distance, open sight, deliberate, snap, rapid, military firearms and vintage firearms to name a few.
Street Address 215 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone 07 3331 8888
Email enquiry@winchesteraustralia.com.au
Website http://tattersallsclub.com.au/the-club/subsidiary-clubs/shooters-club

Bringing you traditional craftsmanship and best manufacturing techniquies, stylish and affordable products for Travel, Outdoors, Sporting and Commercial trade.
Street Address 22 Alpha Drive, Glasshouse Mts Qld 4518
Phone 07 5496 9901
Fax 07 5496 9901
Email info@autarkyproducts.com.au
Website autarkyproducts.com.au

Since 1828 Eley Hawk has been at the forefront of cartridge development, producing the world’s finest range of shotshells for hunting and competition use. In-house production of all component parts and the expertise to fine tune the combinations of these components allows Eley Hawk to create such iconic cartridges. NIOA as exclusive distributor of Eley Hawk in Australia are proud sponsors of Brisbane Sporting Clays.
Street Address PO Box 191 Pinkenba Qld 4008
Phone 07 3621 9999
Fax 07 3621 9998
Email sales@nioa.com.au
Website nioa.com.au

Process Safety Management (PSM) is an Oil & Gas Risk Management consultancy supporting industry throughout project lifecycle. Project phases supported include exploration, FEED, detailed design, through to construction, commissioning, and operation in all environments. PSM also specialises in regulatory compliance, and onshore and offshore MODU / FPSO / Platform safety cases (domestic and international).
Phone 0438 096 540
Email processsafetymanagement@outlook.com